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Last Looks 2021

A disgraced ex-cop seeks solace by moving to the woods, but his quiet life comes to an end when a private eye recruits him to investigate a murder.
5.6/10 IMDb
Action,Crime,Mystery And Charlie Hunnam has never been gone. Ex-LAPD cop Charlie Waldo (Charlie Hunnam) descends from his hill where he retired in order to investigate a high-profile murder. TV Actor Alastair Pinch (Mel Gibson) stands accused of murdering his wife, Monica. The plot and storyline are very smooth. This movie never gets boring. And we are witnessing the rebirth of Mel Gibson. Finally he delivers again. Charlie Hunnam never disappoints. What an acting performance. Where the story lacks originality, the acting never fails. The movie is fast paced and funny. A well-deserved 7/10 for never getting bored to death!